
What’s Next for Bitcoin (BTC) Prices? Bulls Target $70,000 as Donald Trump’s Election Odds Rise



“BTC could stay around the 120-day moving average, and the price could have the momentum to move towards $68K or even $70K, but we need to continue to closely monitor Fed policies and the implications of Mt Gox,” said one trader.

“BTC could stay around the 120-day moving average, and the price could have the momentum to move towards $68K or even $70K, but we need to continue to closely monitor Fed policies and the implications of Mt Gox,” said one trader.

“BTC could stay around the 120-day moving average, and the price could have the momentum to move towards $68K or even $70K, but we need to continue to closely monitor Fed policies and the implications of Mt Gox,” said one trader.

July 17, 2024, 7:22 AM

Updated July 17, 2024, 7:25 AM

Bullfighting. (Bykofoto/Shutterstock)


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