
How MIT Brothers Allegedly Cheated a Harmful Ethereum Practice But Accepted for $25 Million



They had everything planned.

In late 2022, the Peraire-Bueno brothers – twenty-something graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who had turned to blockchain – embarked on an effort that ultimately earned them $25 million, in one of most sophisticated exploits in ten years. frequent cryptographic exploits. Initially, according to U.S. prosecutors, they presented a four-step plan.

First there was “The Bait”. Then there was “Unblinding the block”, followed by “The Search” and finally “The Propagation”.

“In the months that followed, the defendants followed each step as outlined in their exploitation plan,” according to a charge.

Their father is Jaime Peraire, former head of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, CNBC reported.

The exploit occurred thanks to a vulnerability the brothers discovered in MEV-boost, software used by approximately 90% of validators who manage the blockchain, allowing them to see transactions in blocks before they are officially sent to validators.

MEV, or maximum extractable valueis sometimes known as an “invisible tax” that validators and constructors can collect from users by rearranging or inserting transactions into a block before they are added to the blockchain.

Sometimes the practice is compared to frontrunning in traditional stock markets, but due to the difficulty of completely eradicating it, the Ethereum community has more or less accepted the practice, and simply tried to minimize its deleterious effects.

One of these mitigation strategies is to use MEV-Boost, a software used by about 90% Ethereum validators. The idea is that all comers could earn MEV more equitably.

Such “this is how it’s done” attitude was explicitly acknowledged by prosecutors in their charging document.

“Falsification of these established MEV-Boost proposals, relied upon by the vast majority of Ethereum users, threatens the stability and integrity of the Ethereum blockchain for all network participants,” according to the act of charge.

On Ethereum, users submit transactions which are added to a “mempool” – an area where transactions are pending.

MEV-boost allows “block builders” to assemble these mempool transactions from the mempool and put them into blocks.

Next, MEV bots, or “seekers,” examine the memory pool and evaluate which transactions might generate profitable trades, and sometimes bribe these block builders to reorder or insert certain transactions to generate additional profits. Ethereum validators then collect these MEV blocks. -boost them and ink them up the chain, where they become irreversible.

All these steps are usually executed automatically by the software in fractions of seconds.

In this case, the Peraire-Bueno brothers targeted three MEV bots that did not have certain controls in place and implemented 16 validators designed to attract the bots.

When researchers group transactions together, they have a target transaction, a signed before transaction, and a signed after transaction.

“The rules of the game are, ‘Well, I give you this packet, and the packet has to execute atomically,’ meaning it will only execute if all three transactions are included in exactly that order, and anything other than that, that’s not going to work,” Matt Cutler, CEO of Blocknative, a blockchain infrastructure company, told CoinDesk in an interview.

Because the brothers implemented malicious validators, their intention was always to take the opportunity to exploit bots that lacked these controls, by segregating these transactions.

“Because honeypot transactions were very lucrative and the bots did not have controls in place to prevent certain conditions from occurring, and they fundamentally trusted the integrity of the validator and the MEV-boost ecosystem , the malicious validator gained access to signed transactions that were secured and they were then able to manipulate those signed transactions to drain the bots of $25 million in funds,” Cutler said.

In its allegations, the government went out of its way to demonstrate that the activities – targeting a crucial point in the inner workings of blockchain, at a technical level even for experienced blockchain developers – deviated from community standards and entered in the area of ​​fraud. .

Specifically, the brothers were accused of sending a “fake signature” instead of a valid digital signature to a crucial actor in the chain known as a “relay.” A signature is required to reveal the contents of a proposed block of transactions, including any potential profits contained in the batch.

“In this process, a relay acts in a manner similar to an escrow account, which temporarily holds the otherwise private transaction data of the proposed block until the validator commits to publishing the block to the blockchain exactly as ordered “, prosecutors wrote. “The relay will not communicate transactions within the proposed block to the validator until the validator has confirmed with a digital signature that it will publish the proposed block, as structured by the constructor, on the blockchain.”

Based on their research and planning, prosecutors alleged, the brothers “knew that the information in the fake signature was designed to, and indeed did, deceive Relay into prematurely disclosing the entire content of the blocking proposed to the accused, including the private. transaction information,” according to the indictment.

As Cutler says: “Stealing is stealing, regardless of the conditions that permit that theft.”

“Just because your car door is unlocked doesn’t mean you can break into your car, right? ” he said.

Ethereum is often susceptible to some controversial MEV business practices, such as front-running and so-called sandwich attacks. But many figures in the MEV ecosystem consider the feat that took place last year to be pure theft.

Taylor Monahan, Senior Product Manager at MetaMask, written the that “Yes, if you steal and launder $25 million you should expect a long prison sentence lmfao.”

“It’s a bit like robbing thieves, you might say, but regardless, it was clearly an exploit, a manipulation of the rules, in a way that is considered a violation established laws of the jurisdiction, right,” Cutler said.

Almost to emphasize the point, the government alleged that in the weeks following the exploit, Anton Peraire-Bueno “searched online for, among other things, “top crypto lawyers,” “how long is our statue?” . [sic] limitations, ‘statute on electronic fraud / statute on electronic fraud [sic] limitations”, “fraudulent Ethereum address database” and “money laundering ruling [sic] limitations.'”

The prosecution also noted that the day after the exploit, James Peraire-Bueno sent an email to a bank representative requesting “a safe large enough to hold a laptop.”


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